Case Study


Patient Name: Ramadevi

Age: 53 Years/Female

Patient Condition (when she consulted here):

  • Patient was diagnosed as right breast ductal carcinoma grade 2
  • Patient refused chemotherapy
  • C/O shivering & vomiting
  • K/C/O Hypertension and Ca of Liver

Duration of Treatment: 1 ½ year.

Patient Contact:  +91 9980336177

Reports Before Treatment Reports After Treatment
8/12/16 PET Scan-Malignant Neoplastic
Lesion of the right breast
16/11/18 PET Scan-No evidence of local recurrence
in right breast
No Hyper metabolic lesions anywhere in the body



Patient Name: Dakshayanamma

Age: 51 Years/Female

Patient Condition (when she consulted here):

  • Patient was diagnosed right breast ductal carcinoma grade 3 associated with loss of appetite ,repeated fever ,pain in lumbar region since3 years .Patient underwent  Surgery(Mastectomy) for the same

Duration of Treatment: 2 year.

Patient Contact:  +91 9164243232

Results after treatment: Symptoms got relieved and patient is leading a healthy life

 Reports Before Treatment Reports After Treatment
16/3/17- PET Scan Well 4/3/19-PET Scan- No evidence